Frequently Asked Questions
What are Japanese paintings in Kakemono format?
Japanese pictures in the Kakemono format are Japanese scroll paintings that are painted on paper or silk and are traditionally presented in a special picture niche. The motifs are often changed depending on the season or on special occasions. The pictures are then rolled up and stored.
How are Japanese pictures hung?
In some cases, Japanese pictures can be hung in a frame quite easily, just like here in the West. In the case of the Kakemono, they are hung portrait - the two round rods at the bottom and top ensure that the picture hangs flat, a string on the top round rod provides the suspension.
What motifs do Japanese paintings usually show?
Japanese paintings show a wide variety of motifs. Geisha and samurai, animal and plant paintings, landscapes and calligraphy are probably the motifs that come to mind first when many people are asked about Japanese art. Scenes from the traditional Noh theater are also often depicted.